<aside> ❗ Why playback problems occur Session Rewind provides the highest quality session playback in the industry. A key part of generating accurate replays involves taking a snapshot of any static assets (CSS and images) that were present for the user’s session, and using those snapshots during session playback. This ensures that (i) older sessions will play correctly even if those assets have since been updated, and (ii) playback reduces any load that might have otherwise been placed on your servers.



Below are common reasons for playback problems and methods to resolve them. If you still cannot resolve the issues, please contact [email protected].

It is your first recording on a new page, or you recently updated the CSS or assets on the page

It may take a few minutes for our servers to snapshot assets, so if the session is new (and in particular if the assets have recently been updated) please wait a few minutes and try to play the session again.

Enabling local server playback with Ngrok

If we cannot take a snapshot of a particular asset, which is frequently the case when an asset is on a local development server or on a server which blocks access from the public internet, then our playback will attempt to use the original URLs for each asset. Accurate session playback is difficult to guarantee in these situations, and may even differ among viewers. For example, a session recorded on a local development server (localhost) may play correctly for you if that server is accessible from your machine. But sharing it with a coworker will likely lead to broken playback.

If you’d like to record sessions on a local development server, we recommend using a service like ngrok to make your local server accessible to Session Rewind’s caching servers:

  1. Install ngrok from the link above
  2. Run ngrok with your local development server’s port (ngrok http 3000 if your server is at port 3000)
  3. Access your application using the provided HTTPS ngrok URL

Enabling private assets access (e.g. private staging sites)

If the site you’re recording is available to the public internet, but uses an IP allow-list to gate that access, it may be possible to add Session Rewind caching server IPs to the allow-list and enable accurate playback. Please contact us with more details and we’ll be happy to assist.